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Bastion's Tank Form Ultimate Visual/Audio (Enemy Vs Ally)
( FP's Overwatch Strategy Guide )

NOTE:  Enemy ultimates in general will be in the hero's native language and also be more bolder and louder to warn you of the incoming ultimate.  While ally ultimates will be softer and will always be in the language of the version of the game you are playing (usually English).  If you want to see all of the hero ultimates in one video, click here.

More info on Bastion's Tank Form.

Bastion's Main Members Area (Synergies)

Bastion's possibilities on all maps:


Payload Point Capture Hybrid Control
Dorado Hanamura Hollywood Illios
Route 66 Temple of Anubis King's Row Lijiang Tower
Watchpoint Gibraltar Volskaya Industries Numbani Nepal


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